" the tolerance of objectification provides a mechanism to keep people valuing others (eg working), else they are logically more likely to accept (be fooled by) the objectification of the objectified including themselves and as a consequence loose morale or social status (respect/trust) "

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Philosophy of the Body



A hypothesis on the underlying psychological (affective) mechanism of objectification (as opposed to the judgement of objectifying action, i.e. attitudes/behaviour):

Objectification is the subconscious perception of intention to be an object. This intention could be that perceived of the objectified. It could equally be the perceived intention of the one presenting or "framing" them (whether directly through primary objectification, or indirectly by encouraging them to self-objectify via bodily emphasis/dress and modification). Likewise, it could be the perceived intention of one expressing a desire for them (or oneself, i.e. reciprocal objectification). It could even be a metacognitive percept of one's own intention for them (or oneself) to be an object (say if one was psychologically disturbed, manipulated, or awoken from a dream state). It might be inferred from a perceived lack of intent to dignify/love/respect the subject, for example the presentation of negligence, mindlessness (automata based dehumanisation), or vice (subjective insignificance). It could also be an attribution error driven inference of intention based on an extension of the self knowledge of one's affect in their presence to they themselves, the one responsible for that affect (inferring purpose rather than ignorance). Furthermore the perception of intent could be a socialised or conditioned association.

It is possible the brain does not easily distinguish (or care to distinguish) between the origin of intent, as it has evolved to seek (/respond to) reproductive opportunity. Its basis being a carnal drive for power/dominance (restoration of the primacy of long evolved instincts to the negation of more complex goals directed by more modern physical or social systems). It is perhaps an abstraction (misassociation) of natural subconscious desire during intercourse (completion/conception under its presumption; from which may arise similar intentions).

" as objectification is psychological, it can be defeated or neutralised with psychology "

- philosophy of the body  refresh

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